It can be stressful to resign from a work position. There is the briefing with the employer to break the news; then there is the team announcement, and then there is the never-ending series of questions from coworkers about why you are leaving and where you are going next.
The trick to achieving a smooth transition is to negotiate the road to your next step with professionalism and grace.
It all starts with a notice of leave, also known as a resignation letter.
But, what exactly is a resignation letter, and why would you want to write one? When do you give notice to a soon-to-be-former boss, and what do you include?
Here you can find tips about how to submit a resignation note, as well as examples and samples to help you write your own.
What is a Resignation Letter?
If you are going on good terms or can not get out the door quickly enough, it is a good idea to write a letter of resignation. A resignation letter is a formal letter that informs your boss that you will be leaving your position.
It can be written as a handwritten letter or an email message, and it formalizes your resignation from your current job.
Why Should You Write One?
A resignation letter is a quick and easy way to deliver the same message to several departments, keeping them updated on your departure. Your boss would be delighted with the gesture and glad for the information if the paper is respectful and clear.
It can also provide intangible advantages to your job down the line, such as future letters of recommendation, good word-of-mouth appraisals, and even help you return to the company, as long as it is proactive.
When Should You Write One
If you are certain you will be leaving your company, let them know at most two months in advance and at least two weeks. Remember to write out “two weeks’ notice,” not “2 weeks’ notice.”
What is a two weeks' notice letter?
A two-week resignation letter informs your boss that you will be leaving the firm after two weeks, which is a common procedure for resignations. This gives you space to end any tasks you are working on while still helping the employer to fill your role and eliminate disruptions within the organization, allowing the new employee's transition to be as smooth as possible.
Short Notice (less than 2 weeks)
In certain cases, a two-week notice is not possible. Some job openings are just too good to ignore.
A short notice or no-notice resignation letter will be acceptable here, whether due to an emergency or a new career that needs you to start your new job right away. These sorts of scenarios place the boss in a difficult spot, but they do happen.
When it comes to short-notice resignations, try to speak with the manager in person before writing a message.
More Than Two Weeks
In terms of resignation, giving more than two weeks’ notice is usually not the standard.
Most people want to give two weeks’ notice before they leave and it gives their boss time to start the process of hiring a new employee to take their job or distributing their jobs among other colleagues. However, some employees continue to give their bosses longer than two weeks' notice, perhaps due to company conditions or because assignments are scheduled months in advance.
Despite this, offering more than two weeks’ notice is close to sending a regular two-week message. The content, sections, and format are all similar.
How to write a resignation letter?
You should not only write, "I resign. Bye." There is a detailed outline to follow with a letter of resignation, but it is not as difficult as you might expect. You don't need to write anything or go into great detail—all you need to do is notify your employer that you are resigning, add a few key points, and politely finish the conversation.
Keep your resignation letter to one page and include the following information:
1. Letter Date
On the top left side, above the address, write the date you sent the document.
2. Address
An official business letter prototype should be used for the address. On the first line, write the business name, then the street address, area, and ZIP code.
3. Declaration of Resignation
Prior to sending your resignation, give your boss adequate notice, write a detailed resignation note, and be prepared to move forward.
Resignation letters provide specifics about the employee's decision to resign, as well as the last day of work and any other requests or descriptions. Both the boss and the employee will benefit from this.
4. Departure Date
Your boss would be able to strategize the right plan of action if you have a specific resignation date.
5. Reasons for Departure
Use your diplomatic skills to offer an explanation for your departure in this section.
Personal health issues, spending more time with family, migration, job transition, and many other factors are all acceptable. Keep in mind that using this paper to convey dissatisfaction with the employer is normally not the right option.
You can metaphorically nail 95 complaints to your boss's desk by outlining areas in need of immediate change, but consider the advantages and risks of doing so.
6. An offer to train your replacement
Resignation letters also contain an opportunity to assist with the transfer, such as by hiring or preparing a replacement.
Both the employee and the boss would be willing to leave the case with a sense of resolution, respect, and amicability.
7. Thank You Section
A letter of resignation would frequently thank the employer for the benefits offered and discuss insights learned at the corporation or how the employee loved their experience there to ensure a constructive and graceful resignation.
8. Signature
If you are sending the letter, sign it above your typed signature. An online resignation letter can be as simple as a typed name.
What Not to Include in The Letter
Complaints or criticisms of the boss or coworkers should not be included in resignation letters. Keep it straightforward, stick to the truth, and do not whine. And you will need a recommendation from the boss, it is important to leave on a good note.
Here's a list of things you can leave out of your resignation note:
- A detailed justification for your departure.
- The reasons you hated your job.
- Input on career plans that is not needed.
- Errors in spelling and grammar.
How Should Your Letter Be Delivered?
You should have a private meeting with your boss to discuss your ideas, and follow up with a formal letter to make it official. In the end, do what you are most happy with.
Ensure that all relevant stakeholders, including your boss and HR, are aware of your leaving.
Do not presume everybody will be on the same page; you must take the time to meet with each department.
Bonus tips
Give it to your supervisor.
If you are writing a resignation letter, send it to your immediate supervisor rather than an HR representative. You could call them by their given name if you normally do so; there is no need to be too formal.
Use a professional, positive expression.
Despite starting in a new position, you would need to ask your past boss for references in the future.
In your message, use an optimistic, polite tone and avoid any insulting language aimed at the organization, your managers, or your coworkers.
Once you have left, offer to assist.
This is voluntary, so it will help you keep a healthy friendship with your soon-to-be ex-colleagues.
Do not indicate that you will be on call for the business, but if you are able to answer a few questions, let them know.
Letter of Resignation Example
Company name:
Your name and position:
Dear Mr./Ms. [insert name]
I would like to let you know that, as of [insert date], I am resigning from my role as [insert position name].
Thank you very much for all of your help and opportunities over the years. I have had a great time working at [insert business name] and appreciate your support in helping me achieve my personal and professional goals.
I will do whatever I can to finish the tasks I am working on now and prepare other team members to take over my responsibilities. If there is something that I can do to assist you through this time of change, please let me know.
I wish the company more prosperity in the future and look forward to staying in touch.
And sincere gratitude,
[Your name]
[signature for hard copy]
A resignation letter is a useful document that can be used in a variety of circumstances. The paper usually indicates that your term in the job will be coming to an end in the coming days. Prepare for every eventuality by customizing the letter to the circumstances.