Communication, respect, and responsibility are characteristics that need to be developed daily so that a good work environment is built
One of the main ways to grow and develop as a professional is to cultivate good working relationships. This, however, is not always an easy task. Building and being inserted in a healthy and positive work environment is a task that requires patience and commitment from the entire team.
The Importance Of A Good Relationship With The Boss
Nobody works alone. Even teams operated by a single employee relate to other sectors and, not infrequently, report to a manager.
This means that the corporate relationship is fundamental, as it happens in any other layer of our society. It is through positive connections that we embrace opportunities, work collectively, and also share responsibilities and achievements — and lessons, of course.
With that alone, it should have been clear how much a good relationship with the boss is made on a daily basis, right?
It turns out that this type of discussion extends to other aspects because your leader is also the person you have the most contact with, and whose decisions fall directly into your routine.
Consequently, imagine the motivation and productivity of an employee who can't even sustain a smile when saying good morning to the supervisor—and vice versa?
In the same way, you can get an idea of how positive a good relationship with the boss is for daily productivity, and to keep the level of individual and collective satisfaction always high.
Also remembering that people with difficulties in relating to others have:
More challenges to solve problems and face unexpected and/or unprecedented situations;
· Less support from peers with suggestions, support, and interest in their own productive routine;
· Less synergy and a collaborative environment with ease;
· Little or no recognition from other teams.
Toxic environments are easily contaminated. This, however, is not something that always comes from subordinates. Often, the manager himself does not know how to conduct his interpersonal relationships in the workplace. And for that specifically, it's worth taking a look at our articles that help you identify a toxic workplace, and how to survive it
How to Build a Healthy Work Relationship With Employees
If you want to do your part to have good relationships with your colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, here are some valuable tips:
It is the basis of any healthy relationship. those who communicate with their employees on a regular basis, by combining the telephone, the email, and especially the meetings, obtain better levels of engagement from their collaborators, all the more so if they are sincerely interested in them. Another interesting aspect, research suggests that a communication-rich in positive feedback rather than characterized by negative comments induces better performance on the part of employees. We talk all about it in our article that summarizes the importance of communication in the workplace
One of the worst feelings for employees is realizing that the company does not offer an open communication channel so that they do not feel comfortable giving their opinions and expressing their feelings.
This often gives the impression that orders must be followed without the possibility of any dialogue or counterpart. As a result, employees do not feel part of the organization and all teamwork tends to suffer.
In this sense, the role of managers and the human resources sector is essential to integrate and motivate people, making them comfortable to express their ideas and contribute to the operation of the business. For more tips on how to improve your communication please check out our article.
We do not always see ourselves as others perceive us ... Feedback allows us to assess the impact - positive or negative - that we can have on others. If a leader makes the effort to ask his colleagues (or a coach) for feedback on the way he behaves, then to change his way of being if necessary, he increases his "appreciation rate" in the workplace. A point that should not be overlooked since, according to the work of the American consulting firm Zenger Folkman, if a leader is not considered friendly, he has only one chance in 2,000 of being considered effective.
Employees need to get feedback on what they are doing. Knowing what they are doing well or what they need to improve is essential to nurture a positive relationship between boss and employee.
Recognize And Value Employees
There's no denying that people like to feel valued for their work. The routine of any professional involves effort and dedication, and when we do the right thing, it's good to be praised and recognized.
Therefore, it is important to have this constant concern to value the team, especially to keep workers motivated and willing to continue doing a good job.
Also, have no doubt that a compliment is sometimes worth more than a raise or other benefit. Although it doesn't have a measurable cost, imagine how bad and unmotivating it is to work in a place where you don't recognize your value.
So a few words of thanks and appreciation for a job well done are beyond what you might think. Gratitude means a lot to employees, and reinforcing a job well done encourages them to keep it up. Public recognition is also highly valued by workers.
Employees want to feel respected and recognized as individuals and for their work and contribution. Being polite in interactions at all levels of the company, listening attentively, and taking into account the opinions of others are all marks of respect.
People are different. This means that they have varied characteristics. Within the work environment, this diversity can mean a different time to perform tasks, understand processes and develop as professionals. This time of each one must be respected so that conflicts are avoided and everyone can work in harmony.
Adapt The Approach In Search Of Humanized Management
Another point that must be considered to improve the relationship with employees is to adapt the approach with each of them whenever necessary, especially because we are aware of the differences in personalities.
In practice, this means trying to understand each person better and finding ways to motivate them according to their characteristics. For example, some of them need more attention and care, while others are able to perform their activities well on their own.
Understanding the needs of each one and showing greater flexibility indicates that the company has a more humanized management. This is not to say that it is necessary to be permissive, but to be more understanding and welcoming as much as possible — which is capable of generating very positive results.