Remote Skills

Congratulations Job Offer Email

Your company had an open position, and you found the perfect candidate. Congratulations!! A congratulations mail to selected candidates is written and sent by an employer to the candidates they would like to employ.

The Reasons For Sending The Email Are :

offer letters ensure that everyone's on the same page, meaning the employer and the job candidates, agree on the terms and conditions of employment such as salary, payday, PTO (personal time off), work hours, and other important information needed for that first day.

Some other reasons:

  • It is the most commonly practiced industry standard.
  • The candidate may forget the terms of employment if they are just discussed verbally, so to state the terms of employment clearly, the congratulations email is sent.
  • To make a formal documented proof of the negotiated and then agreed-upon terms of employment so that no discrepancy arises in the future, and there is no case of cheating.
  • To extend a formal welcome invitation to the candidate in the organization.
  • To get the candidate excited for the new stint at a new company and also covey the information required by the candidate for the first day at the company.

We recommend verbally extending the job offer prior to sending an offer letter, not only does it create a personal connection, it's exciting news for the job candidate and for your company.

Assuming that your job candidate is excited and has verbally accepted your job offer. Now it's time to write that offer letter.

This is what you should include:

Confirm the offer of employment

by mentioning: The job title, the supervisor the candidate is going to work under, exempt or non-exempt status, and compensation both annually and broken down to bi-weekly weekly or monthly however you pay your employees currently here's an example

We are pleased to confirm our offer of employment for you to join [your company name] team as our [the job title]. In this position, you will be reporting to [the name of the supervisor] [the title of the supervisor]. Your compensation for [salaried or hourly], [exempt or non-exempt] position will be $[salary] / annually, to be paid [bi-weekly, weekly, monthly] in payments of $[breakdown of the annual salary]

The Day Candidate Start The Job:

This also included the job location where the candidate is supposed to be working.

Company Benefits

Provide a list of benefits offered by your company; occasional work from home days, PTO, paid holidays, health insurance, and other benefits offered

State At-Will Employment:

Be sure to let the employee know that your company employees at will and also stated that the offer letter is not an employment contract and is only meant as notification of intent to hire for example:

[your company] adheres to a policy of employment at will. Therefore, nothing in this offer letter alters the right for either party to terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason. Further, this document is a letter of intent to hire not an employment contract or agreement.

How long is the Offer Valid:

State that the offer can be withdrawn after a certain amount of time and provide a deadline for the candidate to revert in case of any queries or when they accept the job offer.


Write a basic summary and provide contact information for the person the applicant can contact should they have any questions for example

We believe your career experiences are a solid fit with our company's goals and objectives and we sincerely hope that you will become a member of [your company’s] team. Should you have any questions please contact [the hiring manager name], [job title], [email contact].

Here is some template you can use:

Template number one:

Subject Line: Job offer from [company name]


Dear [candidate name],

Congratulations! This email is to formally offer you the job of [job title] for [company name]. We strongly believe that your skills and expertise will help our company to reach great heights.

As discussed with you previously, you must start on [start date], and the salary stands at [salary figure] per annum. We have the policy to disburse the salary by every 10th of every month, and it will be credited directly to your bank account. You are supposed to report to [reporting manager] on [day] at sharp [time].

The pension scheme offered by the organization covers your entire family, and it will begin one month from your first working day. You may sign up for additional benefits that the company provides [can include other benefits as negotiated with the candidate].

A copy of the offer letter is enclosed as an attachment. You are required to sign the document by [deadline] and return it to the below-mentioned communication address in case you accept the offer. After receiving the signed copy, I can further communicate the details of the benefits and the leaves that you are entitled to. 

We are looking forward to working with you.

Please contact me in case of any queries.

Yours’ sincerely,


Template number 2

Subject Line: Job offer from [company name]

Dear [Name of Candidate],

Congratulations, this mail is to formally notify you that you are selected in our company [Company name] in the position of [Job position]. Your experience and credentials in the field of [related field e.g.: Network-Security] will be an asset to our Department of [Department name e.g.: Security Department].

As we discussed during the interview yesterday, your starting date is [Starting Date] and your salary is [Salary Amount] per year [or per month]. It is paid on a monthly basis and we offer direct deposit in your account or cheques at the end of the month. You’ll report to [Name of Supervisor] at 9:00 am and he will explain everything for you.

The position includes your [full/partial] medical coverage that is provided through our benefit plan and will begin one month after your first working day. You will become eligible for our retirement plan 90 days after your first working day. If you are interested. You may sign-up for dental and optical insurance. You will be also getting 80% extra payment (80% of per hour calculation in normal salary) for any overtime you do.

[Some more details]

We are happy to welcome you to our team.

You can contact me at [Phone Number] or at [Email Address] if you have any questions.


These were some of the sample congratulations emails. Every email contains the same basic information. The congratulations email serves as a ray of hope and happiness to the selected one. Everyone loves receiving good news, and a good email with a positive tone can do wonders. So, it is a great way to welcome the new addition to your work family and make them feel that they belong there.