Remote Skills

How To Build The Best Employee Onboarding Process

Hiring new employees isn’t only about getting them to sign their contract of employment. You need to bring them into your business, explain your company culture, and offer support. This limits the chance of any issues during their probation period.

And that’s where a great company onboarding process comes in handy. So we want to provide you with some best practices for creating onboarding processes for your new employees, but before we go into the details;

Why You Should Even Make Onboarding Processes?

  • First of all, it's about making your new employees feel welcome on the first day of their new job
  • Then it's about building a company culture where everybody feels part of the group
  • And lastly, it's about getting your employees up to speed and shortening the time for them to perform

Onboarding processes can take many shapes and forms and there is no one-size-fits-all so what we will be focusing on is just some best practice examples and flow, that you can set up and that you can put all of your own processes and all of your own tasks into.

The Pre-Boarding Phase:

This would be the phase from when a person is hired until they have their first day; we recommend you focus on these three key points

Send Your New Employee A Welcome Message:

To build the excitement that they are hired and to let them know that you are really excited to see them in a few weeks

Introduce The Team Before The New Employees First Day:

Often when you start a new job, it involves meeting a lot of new people. So even before they start, you could maybe shoot a video message where everybody in the team introduces themselves and then there will be some faces that they recognize on their first day

Equip Your New Employees With Some Practical Information:

And maybe assigning them a buddy that can help them get around and get to know the new place. Also, think about providing them with a schedule so they know when to meet, who will greet them, what is going to happen on the first days at the new job.

The Actual Onboarding Phase:

We're now at the point where your new employees first day has finally arrived this also means that we are moving from the pre boring phase into the actual onboarding phase

Planning A Nice First Day For Your New Employee:

This would entail meeting all the new colleagues, maybe having their buddy show them around the company, giving them a tour, letting them know where to get coffee, where to get the computer fixed if it's broken, all of the inner workings of your new workplace.

Help Your Employee Set Everything Up

Get them their computer and the phone and everything else they need to do the job.

Initial Training Of The Employees

Where they learn all the overall processes everything they need to know before you move on to the more in-depth training

In-Depth Training

This might be the most important step in your entire onboarding process because this is where your new employee learns everything they need to know in order to be successful in their specific roles.

when it comes to in-depth training think about making it blended learning so that not everything I need to learn happens in a classroom and not everything happens online think about mixing it up a bit.

So this was our take on what an onboarding flow could look like. in summary here are some key points worth remembering

  • Split Up Your Training: so you don't throw everything at the new employee at once but you divide it into snackable pieces then
  • Pre-Board Is Key: make sure you start communicating to your employees even before they have the first day
  • Continues One-On-Ones: it's not something that we have talked about here but it's really important that you have regular check-ins with new employees
  • Assign A Co-Boarding: buddy because this is an easy way to make someone feel comfortable at their new job