Remote Skills

How to Decline a Job Offer email (tips and examples)

So you are looking for a new job like a madman or woman, applying for countless jobs, and interviewing at a variety of locations. And you are in the lucky situation of getting several job offers on the table. Isn't it great? Except for the fact that you must decline at least one of them.

We have all been in that situation. Even though you applied for the job wishing it would be a good fit, sometimes it isn't. Perhaps you have been presented with two chances at the same time. It is never easy to say no to a job offer, but it is often unavoidable.

Many employers nowadays send out job offers via email. As a result, even though you decide not to take the job, responding to the offer via email is perfectly acceptable. It is possible to be succinct and to the point while staying cordial and respectful via email.

When sending an email, the first thing to consider is how to begin and what to say.

1. When to Inform Your Employer That You Are Turning Down Their Offer?

As soon as you have made your decision, notify your employer.

You can, however, take it slow. It is perfectly normal to be waiting for news from another employer or to want to discuss the decision with your family for a few days, and you can request the time you need (within reason).

An employer should be aware that accepting or rejecting a position is a major decision. And, just as they took their time interviewing candidates and deciding who should be offered a job, you would need time to analyze if their business is a good fit for you.

You should request a certain period of time or ask as to when they want a reply.

  • If you are turning down one job offer in order to accept another, make sure the other one is completed first. Fill out your tax paperwork, sign the physical documents; everything.

2. Positive Ways to Reject a Job Offer:

When it comes to declining a job offer in a professional yet friendly way, we suggest following these steps:

a.Do not be a procrastinator; be prompt

The first point is just about politeness. Once you have decided to refuse the offer, do not put off making a decision for days or put off choosing between two companies because you are afraid of saying no to one of them.

It is much easier to get a rapid rejection as a recruiting manager than to wait a fortnight and then realize you have to go back to other candidates (some of whom may have by that stage accepted other jobs elsewhere). You would definitely get a bad mark for that.

b.Keep it simple and straightforward

Begin by delivering your message in a straightforward and honest manner. It is a rejection letter, after all, so do not go overboard with compliments about the business or the people you have met. Avoid being overly emotional and say what needs to be said as politely as possible.

Just tear the bandage off! Do not waste any more of their time by rambling on about the point for more than a few phrases.

C.Show Them Your Appreciation Of Their Offer

Be honest in thanking the manager or recruiting team for their time spent reading your CV, shortlisting you, and interviewing you. Obviously, do not go overboard and seem unctuous.

Choose something particular to thank them for so that your commentary does not sound too generic. You could, for example, mention that you asked a lot of questions about the role and they answered them all candidly and thoroughly. Or you could say how nice everyone was and how nice it was to meet the team ahead of time.

Thanking you for your time and effort with a heartfelt—and specific—thank-you will go a long way. Consider the following situations:

  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity the role of Marketing Manager. I appreciate you taking the time to consider me and for taking the time to answer so many of my questions about the business and the position.
  • Thank you for the interview last week; it was wonderful to meet the team and see the offices. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the Operations Director position, and I am grateful for the generous offer.

d.Explain why this is not the right job for you

Next, discuss your reasons for refusing the offer. It is the right and polite thing to do not to leave a hiring manager in the dark about why you are declining the position, particularly if you have spent a lot of time interviewing. However, there is no need to go into specifics. The best strategy is to be succinct but honest about why you are unable to accept the position.

The best strategy is to be concise but honest about why you are unable to accept the position.

Many candidates make the mistake of stating why another job they were offered was much superior. This should not be done. It is fine to argue that another position you have been offered offers you a greater opportunity to advance your career or learn specific skills, in your opinion.

Similarly, do not go into great detail about how the position you have taken compares to the one you are rejecting. Instead, talk about what you like about the business and how much you liked meeting the manager or recruiter, but that you have chosen to accept another offer that better fits your goals. 

If it is the only job you have been offered at this point, but you have determined it will not work for you, simply state that you have decided the role is not the right fit for you at this point in your career after some thought, and leave it at that.

You can tailor your reaction to the situation you are in, for example:

The Working Environment Is not Right for You

When considering a work offer, a number of considerations come into consideration. For example, you could be unhappy with your workplace's environment or culture. Maybe your interactions with specific workers persuaded you to decline the offer.

Instead of mentioning your grievance explicitly in the message, use a vague tone to explain why you are declining the offer.

The Pay Isn’t Enough

This is a difficult message to send. If the low pay is one of the reasons you are rejecting the job, make your rejection general and leave out the salary details. If, on the other hand, you believe the pay package is inadequate but that the business and role are otherwise a good match, state that salary is the sole reason you are refusing the offer.

You should express your enthusiasm for the prospect of working for that company, as well as provide proof for what you think is the market rate for your position and your personal value to the company.

Employers may take this argument into account and make a better offer in other situations.

The Commute Is Too Exhausting

You should think about how long it would take you to get to and from work. You should have second thoughts if you have a long commute or your office is in a congested area.

The stress of just getting to work will easily outweigh any satisfaction you derive from your job. When denying the job offer, you should mention this reason in your message.

Not enough flexibility.

Some people want to work from home, while others expect more flexibility in their working hours. You do not want to change your lifestyle for your new job, of course.

When you update prospective employers on your decision not to take the job, you will tell them about your current needs and the level of flexibility you need. They will respond with a plan that is more flexible.

e.Keeping in Touch

Consider offering to stay in touch and providing extra contact information if you felt a warm connection with the hiring manager but the role was not a good fit for other reasons.

Maintain a positive attitude throughout. You do not want to burn any bridges by being negative in many sectors because it is a small world.

Thank them for their time and wish the business continued success at the end of the email.

It might be beneficial to draft your email first and then return to it later in the day to give it a fresh look. It would make a better impression if you have taken the time to write a well-written email or plan exactly what you will say if you call. You never know when you would run into that business or that person again. Some examples of things to say are:

  • It has been a pleasure getting to know you, and I hope we will run into each other again.
  • Thank you again for your time and support, and I wish you the best of luck.

f.Before submitting, proofread and revise

Before sending your message to the recruiting manager, double-check it. Send yourself a test message to ensure that everything is in order and that your email is formatted correctly.

3. The Email Structure

  • A subject line that includes your full name and a reference to the job you are applying for (e.g., "Job Offer – Your Name")
  • A professional greeting
  • A Thank you for taking the time to consider the offer.
  • Declare that you have decided to reject the offer.
  • a signature that includes your contact info

4. Templates

a.When the position is not a good fit

Subject line: Job offer – [Your name]

Dear Mr./Ms. [insert the last name of hiring manager],

Thank you so much for considering me for the position of [insert job title]. However, I have concluded that this position is not a good fit for my current career goals.

I absolutely enjoyed our conversation as well as our conversations with your team, and I appreciate you taking the time to share information about [insert company name role ]'s and vision.

Thank you again for your consideration and time; best wishes for continued success.


b.When you have accepted another position

Subject line: Job offer – [Your name]

Dear Mr./Ms. [insert the last name of hiring manager],

Thank you for considering me for the position of [insert job title] with [insert company name]. I took a job with another company, despite the fact that it was a tough choice.

I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions and am grateful for you taking the time to interview me over the past few weeks.

Thank you once again for your time and consideration; best wishes for continued achievement, and I hope we will cross paths again in the future.


It is never easy to turn down a job offer, no matter how certain you are that you do not want it. But keep in mind that you are refusing it because it is the right choice for you. Even if your professional situation worsens, you may still be able to find work at the same company in the future.