Remote Skills

Laravel Interview Questions

While it’s tough to pinpoint what is “most common,” we did an extensive amount of research into the most commonly asked interview question and compiled them into this list. We hope you find this to be helpful for your next opportunity.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that aims to make it easy for web developers to create their applications. This is done through a unique code structure and how they set up their routes in the app.

When was Laravel released?

Laravel was first released at Laracon New York City in May 2011 by creator Taylor Otwell. It was officially released on June 5, 2011, with a pair of tutorials.

What are some of the benefits of using Laravel?

While Laravel's advantages have a lot to do with how easy it allows developers to work, there are some other benefits too. Many people like that it offers a powerful package system, allowing them to add new features into their applications more easily.

Another advantage is that Laraval is fast. Because of how well optimized it is, the app can be used for multiple devices and browsers without any need for optimization (like you would get with WordPress).

Laravel also has an incredibly active community compared to other frameworks and is currently ranked among the top picks of Stack Overflow users.

Lastly, many like Laravel because it's very easy to learn compared to other frameworks. Developers can generally get started within a week, allowing them to begin adding features into their apps.

What are some alternatives to Laravel?

Some alternatives are CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii2, Ruby on Rails.

How does Laravel work?

Laravel's core workflows are designed to be as efficient as possible. This is why it works similarly to how a human would work with the app. Laravel lets you define the structure of the application you want to build, including how you will access your database, as well as how you will create views or what information that will display on your site. Anything that Laravel doesn't offer out-of-the-box can be defined for the developer through customizing their application.

Laravel is mainly focused on two things: MVC architecture and Eloquent ORM. The MVC architecture would be the main structure of the application, while Eloquent Orm would be the database structure that you chose, such as MySQL or Postgres. Laravel was designed to handle many other aspects of an application as well, including authentication and sessions.

How does Laravel handle session data?

This is handled by Illuminate\Session, which is also used for the authentication of users. It provides a full-stack mechanism for securely storing and retrieving the authentication data sent on every page. This information includes things like the user's ID and what permissions they have, as well as any additional information like their IP address or their current location.

You can access this information through PHP's super global variables.

How does Laravel handle encryption?

Laravel handles encryption through a piece of middleware called HmacAuth, which is a form of hashing that replaces sensitive data strings with a key. This key is then stored in the user's session to ensure that the authentication data is secure from outside attacks.

How does Laravel handle security?

Laravel was designed to be secure right off the bat. One of the advantages of using Laravel is that it provides built-in authentication mechanisms, allowing you to create users and groups that can be managed through the framework itself. Another is that all of your data is encrypted through a secure means and stored in one central location that only contains what each user or group should have access to.

Laravel also has several security features built into it. One of the most notable ones is that it has a built-in model for authentication and authorization. This allows you to add a new piece of data to your system, such as "user_id", and this data will contain all the information about that user, including what they can and can't do with their account. This additional information is stored in the "users" table, which you can access from wherever you need too within the app.

How does Laravel handle caching?

Caching is a very important aspect of web applications, and it's an area that has been greatly optimized in Laravel. The framework features an object-based cache that can be used to store and retrieve data from anywhere within the app. This makes it easy to access your cached data no matter which page you're on, which helps speed up your app's performance.

Laravel also offers built-in caching, which you can use to store a small amount of data so that it is stored for later access. This is useful because it enables you to give your users an instant experience on all of your pages, as opposed to having them reload the page. If you'd like to customize this behavior or add additional caching options, Laravel has a variety of built-in functions that allow you to do so.

Which version of PHP is recommended for Laravel?

Laravel 8 runs on PHP 7.3 or later.

What are some frameworks that Laravel is similar to?

Laravel is similar to Ruby on Rails, a popular framework for web development; both use MVC architecture and can be used to build database-oriented websites. It is also very similar to Symphony, an open-source PHP web development framework.

Is Laravel free? 

Yes. Laravel is free and open-source software that you can download and use for free on any web project, whether it's commercial or not.

How is Laravel licensed?

Laravel is licensed under an MIT license, meaning you can use it for commercial projects.

What are the most common artisan commands used in Laravel?

The most common artisan commands in Laravel are: create, publish, make, migrate, seed, and run.

What is Eloquent?

Eloquent is Laravel's Object Relational Mapper that allows you to interact with your database.

What is the difference between Laravel and ASP.NET?

Both Laravel and ASP.NET can be used to create dynamic, database-driven websites, but they are different in a number of ways.

What is an artisan command in laravel?

An artisan command in laravel is a command you can use to get the work done. For example, if you want to clear your cache. You can run a php artisan cache:clear command to clear your cache.