Remote Skills

What is ChatGPT? OpenAI's Chat GPT Explained

Hearing the term 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) in 2022 should no longer remind you of Steven Spielberg's eponymous film. More than twenty years have passed since its premiere and the real development of this technology is reaching brutal milestones in the fields of robotics, medicine, finance or communications, to mention just a few.

What is a chatbot

The term chatbot comes from chatterbot and was coined in 1994 by Michael Mauldin, creator of Verbot, to describe the software that allows you to start a human-machine conversation. Special NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms now allow to simulate human language and behavior thanks to a previous training activity of the model and the neural network.

Chatbots are not just a playful tool as they were initially: today they are used by companies to provide timely answers to users without bothering technical support. Sometimes very precise answers can be provided by the chatbot to alert a customer support agent only in case of real need.

Chatbots are then integrated into well-known digital assistants, many IoT products, CRM solutions, eCommerce sites, and so on.

Today there are chatbots that generate programming code such as GitHub Copilot or other solutions used to create new images starting from text descriptions, even with support for advanced upscaling.

What Is Chat GPT?

ChatGPT, also known as chat Generative Pretrained Transformer, is a natural language processing tool that uses machine learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to user input. ChatGPT is trained on a large amount of text data, allowing it to generate relevant and consistent responses in a given context. This technology has the potential to dramatically improve the way we interact with technology, from customer service to language translation.

ChatGPT uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of text data and generate responses based on that analysis. When a user enters a message, ChatGPT processes the input and generates a relevant and consistent response in the context of the conversation.

ChatGPT has a wide range of potential applications, including customer service, language translation, and even creative writing. In customer service, ChatGPT can be used to handle common questions and provide quick and accurate answers to customers. In language translation, ChatGPT can help translate text from one language to another, allowing for smoother communication between people speaking different languages. In creative writing, ChatGPT can help generate ideas for stories and other written work, allowing writers to explore new ideas and expand their creativity.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful and versatile natural language processing tool that has the potential to greatly improve the way we communicate and interact with technology. It's an exciting development in artificial intelligence and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines.

How to try Free GPT Chat?

If you're interested in trying GPT chat but don't know where to start, one option is to use OpenAI's beta program. OpenAI, the company behind GPT chat, offers a free beta program that allows developers and researchers to access and use GPT chat for free.

To use GPT chat via the OpenAI beta program, you must first register for an account on the OpenAI website. Once you have an account, you can request access to the beta program by filling out a form on the OpenAI website. Access to the beta program is limited and granted on an ongoing basis, so it may take some time to approve.

Once approved for the beta program, you'll have access to OpenAI's GPT-3 API, which allows you to integrate GPT chat into your applications. The GPT-3 API is free, but requires a credit card for authentication.

In addition to the GPT-3 API, the OpenAI beta program also includes access to a number of other resources and tools, such as tutorials and sample code, that can help you get started with GPT chat. These resources can be a great way to learn about GPT chat features and explore different applications and uses of the technology. Overall, OpenAI's beta program offers a great way to try GPT chat for free and get access to a range of resources and tools that can help you learn about and use GPT chat effectively. To learn more and claim the beta program, visit the OpenAI website.

What you can do with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is one of those tools whose full functions have not yet been discovered because it partly depends on the ingenuity of the people who interact with it. The simplest thing is to ask it to explain anything, an event, or a concept, and the AI will do it through the data with which it has been trained.

This will also help you to write articles or abstracts being able to ask for a maximum number of characters or words explaining historical events, famous people, and technological devices. Basically, it can be your private journalist or your chop for classes.

You can also ask him to write these texts to you in a certain way. For example, you can ask them to script you from YouTube or TikTok to explain these things, to do it with a specific tone such as informal or more serious, or even to do it with the tonalities of certain regions.

You can also ask for lines of code, product specification sheets, comparisons, and so on. You can also ask him to write you poems, jokes, or song lyrics. You can ask him to make texts as if he were talking to a 5-year-old child, and in short, anything related to language or that can be expressed through it.

You can also ask for many other things, such as lists of websites or tools, ask for advice on which mobile to buy, or topics related to general culture, trivia, translations, definitions, explanations, and everything else you can think of. There are many examples, and you can try asking them things that no one has asked before to discover new features.

Pros and cons of ChatGPT

So far we have seen the possible applications of ChatGPT or rather some of the most relevant. In these sectors, the tool is able to provide some advantages of no small importance, starting from an optimization of the loads on the workplace and the possibility of dealing with large amounts of information from the most disparate texts.

These advantages, however, are joined by some defects that must certainly be taken into account and that will have to be addressed in the subsequent work phases. Among them, in particular:

  • Sometimes it provides seemingly correct but completely inaccurate answers
  • It may not give an answer to a question formulated in a certain way. Changing the wording gives the answer correctly
  • The model is long-winded, it must be trained in such a way that it provides more direct answers
  • Instead of answering the query with a clarification question, ChatGPT tends to respond by interpreting what the user asks
  • Can answer inappropriate or dangerous questions. With the moderation API, developers are trying to solve this problem

Differences between ChatGPT and other AI models

Conversational AI technology has come a long way in recent years, with numerous models and platforms being developed to enable machines to understand and respond to natural language input. Among these models is ChatGPT, a large-scale language generation model developed by OpenAI. But how does ChatGPT compare to other conversational AI models and what sets it apart from the competition?

A key difference between ChatGPT and other conversational AI models is its size and scope. ChatGPT is a very broad model, with billions of parameters and the ability to generate human-like text in a wide range of styles and formats. This makes it particularly suitable for applications that require a high degree of flexibility and variability in the generated text.

Another key difference between ChatGPT and other models is its approach to language generation. Unlike other templates, which rely on predefined rules or templates to generate text, ChatGPT uses a more flexible and open approach that allows it to generate new and unexpected responses to user input. This makes it particularly suitable for applications that require a high degree of creativity or originality in the generated text.

In addition, ChatGPT offers a number of other unique features and capabilities that set it apart from other conversational AI models. For example, it can be fine-tuned on specific datasets or tasks to improve performance in a particular domain, and it also offers a set of advanced controls that allow users to customize their behavior and responses.

Can ChatGPT really become a serious competitor for Google?

Since its launch, ChatGPT has raised a discussion of no small importance. If, in fact, the initiative turns into a real application, as suggested by the presence of Elon Musk and other Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, it could prove to be an extremely hard bone for the web giants. Starting of course with Google, which has basically based its fortunes on the processing of information.

At the moment, however, ChatGTP must overcome some critical issues of no small importance. Suffice it to say that Stack Overflow, one of the most used sites by programmers, has decided to ban the project, on the grounds that the answers generated in cases concerning solutions for writing code are misleading. In fact, a post published inside it stated: "The main problem is that the indications produced by ChatGpt have a high error rate, even if they generally look good".

OpenAI's response to this finding is that the project "can occasionally generate incorrect information and produce malicious instructions or distorted content. In addition, he has limited knowledge of what happened after 2021."