
Ignite Spot Accounting


An Ignite Spot Accountant is the foundation for all of the work that we do. This person directly affects the client’s ability to be profitable, make money, and have clarity within their business. Every other staff member at Ignite Spot relies on the work of an Accountant.

The 3 Key Objectives of This Position

  1. Data Entry: Ensure that all weekly, and monthly transactions are entered into the client’s accounting file on time and accurately. The Accountant is responsible for keeping cash and credit card balances up-to-date, processing vendor payments, invoicing customers, etc.
  2. Financial Statements: The Accountant is responsible for making sure that all clients get a set of fully reconciled and accurate financial statements by the 15th of the following month.
  3. Coaching Calls: Ensure that each and every client receives a coaching call weekly. Note that coaching calls are not geared towards what is needed from the client or discussing basic accounting transactions. Coaching calls must be focused on key business metrics, expanding the scope of our work with the client, and helping the client feel financially connected to his or her company.

Education & Experience:

An Accountant at Ignite Spot must be a rock star at what they do. This person must have the following requirements met in order to be considered for this position:

  • 2+ years of experience in accounting related work
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting (preferred)
  • 2+ years of experience in QuickBooks Online
  • QuickBooks certified (preferred)
  • T-Sheets certified preferred (preferred)
  • certified preferred (preferred)

Who Manages the Accountant:

An Accountant reports directly to an Account Manager of Ignite Spot on a weekly basis. The substance of these meetings will include:

  • Updates on client requests
  • Review of client projects and timelines
  • Discussion of resources and support needed