For Employers

We assists you in identifying the core skills of the developer who will get fit to your job requirements.

Support from Tech Recruiting Experts

We are experts in technical recruiting and employer branding. We can provide analytics on competitive salaries, and help with talent screening and general tech recruiting best practices.

A Trusted Brand In The Tech Community

We have worked with companies all over the world, helping them acquire the best talents in the job market. Developers value what we’ve created — making us a trusted source for their job and career.

Control Over Recruiting Expenses

We offer transparent pricing and subscription models to match the needs of small and large businesses alike. Get in touch with our dedicated team to find an offer that matches your recruiting needs.

How Our Vetting Process Works

We vet their technical and soft skills, to make sure they are the right fit for your culture and can cover any tech stack that you need for your products. The programmer will work directly for your company and under your management

Self-Assessment Quiz

During the assessment test, candidates are screened based on their ability to perform tasks related to the job

Code Test

Nothing tells more about a developer’s skill than a coding session with a task related to the position's required stack

Technical Interview

The interview is managed by senior developers in particular technologies which are crucial for the project or a company.

Final Review

We check work experience, review scores, and check their communication skills- to deliver on our promise to you.