Care Advisor



CareLinx’s mission is to empower individuals to age with grace, dignity, and purpose.

CareLinx is looking for a Care Advisor to assist with CareLinx’s Health Plan line of business. CareLinx is a healthcare technology platform that connects families with non-medical, in-home caregivers, and Advisors provide support and guidance to families during the caregiver search, interview, and hire process. This support includes searching for viable caregiver candidates, setting up interviews, and helping with the completion of the hiring process and invoice payments. You will also be responsible for maintaining relationships with caregivers who are working with the families you support.

As a Care Advisor, you are the guiding expert for families about all things CareLinx-related. You need to love interacting with people and providing stellar customer service and guidance for families during their in-home care journey. You should also be a team player and be willing to learn about CareLinx’s health plan partners, including their expectations for their members. You need to thrive in a fast-paced, technology-forward environment and be comfortable working from home. If you think there’s alignment with the description above, CareLinx may be the place for you.

A Day in the Life of a Care Advisor:

  • Intake new families and help them enroll in the specific health plan program by identifying home care needs and caregiver preferences
  • Provide ongoing support to families after the caregiver hire to maintain the relationship with the family and caregiver and ensure overall satisfaction
  • Document accurate and complete notes of all family and caregiver interactions in CareLinx’s system
  • Work collaboratively and professionally with other team members and teams within CareLinx (e.g., product, customer success, operations)
  • Exhibit excellent verbal and written communication skills via phone, email, and text
  • Advisors are expected to meet performance goals set forth per CareLinx guidelines
  • Additional job duties may be assigned on an as-needed basis


  • Effective time management skills
  • Superior organization and multitasking capabilities
  • Goal-driven, problem solver
  • Comfortable working autonomously and remotely
  • Professional, confident, outgoing demeanor
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Experience working with Microsoft Office/Google Suite
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to maintain strict confidentiality, and exercise good judgment
  • High school diploma
  • U.S. applicants only

Preferred Qualifications:

  • At least one year of inside sales experience
  • Some college-level coursework
  • At least one year of experience in a customer service or call center environment or a minimum of 2 years experience in a customer service environment
  • Previous healthcare experience

Physical Requirements:

  • Prolonged periods of sitting at a desk and working on a computer